19:39:30 Available Ports:COM1 COM3 COM4 COM254 COM255
19:39:30 Current Port:Com0
19:39:35 Reading phone info...
19:39:35 Operation:
1. Power off the phone.
2. Please insert USB cable within 20 seconds.
19:39:43 Connecting...
19:39:43 CPU TYPE:MT6572
19:39:43 Hardware version:CA01
19:39:43 Software version:0000
19:39:43 SecCfgVal :0x00000000
19:39:43 BromVersion :0xFF
19:39:43 BLVersion :0x01
19:39:45 Boot downloading...
19:39:50 EMMC_ID:0x90014A483447326111010FAB01A52242
19:39:50 EMMC_PRODUCT_NAME: 0x483447326111
19:39:50 EMMC_BOOT1_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:39:50 EMMC_BOOT2_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:39:50 EMMC_PRMB_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:39:50 EMMC_GP1_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:39:50 EMMC_GP2_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:39:50 EMMC_GP3_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:39:50 EMMC_GP4_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:39:50 EMMC_USER_SIZE: 0x0E9000000(3.64 G)
19:39:50 INT RAM: 32MB SDRAM EXT RAM: 0.15918KB DRAM
19:39:50 PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM10)
19:39:50 Finding partition.
19:39:50 Backup file,please wait a moment...
19:39:52 BasicInfo :
19:39:52 Brand : TINNO
19:39:52 ProdName : QMobile X30
19:39:52 ProdModel : QMobile X30
19:39:52 Device : QMobile X30
19:39:52 AndroidVer: 4.4.2
19:39:53 MTK CPU : MT6572
19:39:53 MTK PRJ : ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1
19:39:53 Display ID: ALPS.KK1.MP7.V1
19:39:53 Board ID : s4050ap
19:39:53 Build Date: Tue Dec 29 10:35:34 CST 2015
19:39:53 Custom Build Ver: QMobile_X30_MP_4.4_QMB_13_07
19:39:53 Internal Build Ver: S4050AP_MP_4.4_QMB_PK_17_19
19:39:53 Read phone info OK.
19:40:33 File path:F:\Q\Q File Android\Q FILE ReCOVERY\QFile\X30 MT6572\tmp_6.bin
19:40:34 Operation:
1. Power off the phone.
2. Please insert USB cable within 20 seconds.
19:40:42 Connecting...
19:40:43 CPU TYPE:MT6572
19:40:43 Hardware version:CA01
19:40:43 Software version:0000
19:40:43 SecCfgVal :0x00000000
19:40:43 BromVersion :0xFF
19:40:43 BLVersion :0x01
19:40:44 Boot downloading...
19:40:49 EMMC_ID:0x90014A483447326111010FAB01A52242
19:40:49 EMMC_PRODUCT_NAME: 0x483447326111
19:40:49 EMMC_BOOT1_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:40:49 EMMC_BOOT2_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:40:49 EMMC_PRMB_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:40:49 EMMC_GP1_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:40:49 EMMC_GP2_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:40:49 EMMC_GP3_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:40:49 EMMC_GP4_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:40:49 EMMC_USER_SIZE: 0x0E9000000(3.64 G)
19:40:49 INT RAM: 32MB SDRAM EXT RAM: 0.15918KB DRAM
19:40:49 PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM10)
19:40:49 Finding partition.
19:40:52 Orignal preloader backup path:C:\Inferno_Volcano_MTK\backup\preloader_s4050 ap_20161025_194052.bin
19:40:52 Writing data.
19:52:38 Write flash successfully!
19:54:25 Operation:
1. Power off the phone.
2. Please insert USB cable within 20 seconds.
19:54:32 Connecting...
19:54:33 CPU TYPE:MT6572
19:54:33 Hardware version:CA01
19:54:33 Software version:0000
19:54:33 SecCfgVal :0x00000000
19:54:33 BromVersion :0xFF
19:54:33 BLVersion :0x01
19:54:34 Boot downloading...
19:54:39 EMMC_ID:0x90014A483447326111010FAB01A52242
19:54:39 EMMC_PRODUCT_NAME: 0x483447326111
19:54:39 EMMC_BOOT1_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:54:39 EMMC_BOOT2_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:54:39 EMMC_PRMB_SIZE: 0x00400000
19:54:39 EMMC_GP1_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:54:39 EMMC_GP2_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:54:39 EMMC_GP3_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:54:39 EMMC_GP4_SIZE: 0x00000000
19:54:39 EMMC_USER_SIZE: 0x0E9000000(3.64 G)
19:54:39 INT RAM: 32MB SDRAM EXT RAM: 0.15918KB DRAM
19:54:39 PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM10)
19:54:39 Finding partition.
19:54:42 Start calibration data...
19:54:43 Write IMEI successfully!