Developer Billy Ellis Hacked Apple Watch To Run OS X Yosemite Simulator.

Billy Ellis, the 15-year old developer who previously hacked Apple Watch running iOS 4.2.1, has come-up with a new apple watch hack which allows the Developer to run OS X Yosemite Simulator .

The Yosemite Simulator for Apple Watch, as Ellis calls it, is an app that runs directly on the Apple Watch. It shows the Mac’s standard desktop on the watch’s tiny screen along with the familiar icons for the Finder, Launchpad, Settings, the App Store and Trash.

 The proof-of-concept software serves to demonstrate what can be achieved on the Apple Watch with a little bit of imagination and some superb coding skills.

“Haven’t had the time to make everything fully functional just yet,” said Ellis. “Hopefully I’ll add some more to it later this week.”

“The reason why I create these apps is really just to show people how certain things could look/work on such a small device,” Ellis told Cult of Mac via e-mail.

“So they are really just fun concepts that allow people to see how the Apple Watch could have been if Apple had decided to do things differently. Also, a lot of people seem to just love seeing unique apps and ideas that you wouldn’t find on the App Store.”

You can see the demo below.