News= Galaxy S8 to have dual camera, iris scanner to support parts suppliers

Samsung has announced that it will compensate parts suppliers who were affected by the Galaxy Note7 failure. Reports coming from Korea are that a big part of that plan involves equipping the upcoming Galaxy S8 with a dual-camera setup and an iris scanner.

Dual cameras will increase revenue for parts suppliers including Samsung Electro-Mechanics, which supplies camera modules, Sekonix, which makes lenses for smartphone cameras and Kolen, which makes lenses for iris scanners. Patron and MCNEX used to make iris scanners for the Note7, now they will be making it for the Galaxy S8.

Samsung has not officially confirmed this plan, instead the info comes from an official working at one of the parts suppliers. He points out that Samsung brings out a new camera design each year and the S8 will be no exception.
The President of Samsung’s mobile business said during the launch of the Note7 that by the time the Galaxy S8 is unveiled, Samsung will have an improved iris scanning technology. As for the dual-camera - every one is doing it now, HTC, LG, Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi and others.