How to send and receive message on whatsapp using php script without smartphone

  1. Go To the link  Alternate
  2. Download The exe file
  3. Run the WART. Exe File

  4. WART-232x300

    Enter Phone Number with Country Code (e.g. India Number : 91xxxxxxxxxx)

    P.s. Do not put any Special Symbol like (+91) for India
     Click on Request Code and You will Receive a Code from WhatsApp on the Entered Mobile Number.
     Now Verify that Code in 2nd Step and That’s it . You are here . Your password will Appear.

    Now we need to write the php Script Which will Send Messages to WhatsApp Registered Number.

    You will need 2 things for Sending Messages to WhatsApp through PHP :
    1. Username (WHICH IS YOUR MOBILE NUMBER WITH COUNTRY CODE) : 91xxxxxxxxxxx
    2. Password (Which You got From The WART.EXE TOOL

    require_once ‘./src/whatsprot.class.php';
    $username = “919xxxxxxxxx”; //Mobile Phone prefixed with country code so for india it will be 91xxxxxxxx
    $password = “your password”;
    $w = new WhatsProt($username, 0, “Mayank Grover Blog”, true); //Name your application by replacing “WhatsApp Messaging”
    $target = ’91xxxxxxxxxxx'; //Target Phone,reciever phone
    $message = ‘Hello User !! This is a Tutorial for sending messages via php to WhatsApp Account';
    $w->SendPresenceSubscription($target); //Let us first send presence to user
    $w->sendMessage($target,$message ); // Send Message
    echo “Message Sent Successfully”;

    So Everything is Quite Clear in the above Script i.e. You need to set your Application Details Username as Mobile Number password Which you got from WART Tool Target as your Target Mobile Number and Lastly The message(Plain Text Which you need to send).


    You Need to Download the WhatsApi from this Link . There You Will find the src directory with all the source files.