Funny student reply continues...

Teacher: Why are you sleeping in the class?
Student: Your voice is too sweet, that is why I am sleeping.
Teacher: Then why other students are not sleeping?
Student: Might be they are not listening to you ma'am.
Student: Will you punish me for something I did not do ma'am?
Teacher: No, not at all.
Student: Good, I have not done my homework.
Student: Sir, you told there is a mark for every step
Sir: Yes, but your answer sheet has only upstairs 
Teacher: Let me ask you a question, 2 books + 2 books?
Students: 4 books
Teacher: Let me ask you the tough one, 11345 books + 423123 books?
Students: LIBRARY...
Teacher: Why are you late to the school?
Student: There was a man who lost his money
Teacher: That's nice, so you were helping him?
Student: No, I was standing on his money